In the News

11/11/2020: Biden US election win. Where next US action on climate change? 

26/06/2020: The Lincoln Climate Commission, which I co-founded with colleagues from Transition Lincoln, Siemens and the City of Lincoln Council has now got its formal website presence through the Place-based Climate Action Network (PCAN) of independent climate commissions from across the UK. I have also recently become a Climate Commissioner for the city so watch this space for exciting developments around embedding pro-climate action around the Lincoln city-region.

02/06/2020: We’ve heard of Tyndall. We’ve heard of Keeling. Heard of Eunice Foote? Three pioneers who predicted climate change.

27/05/2020: COVID-19 impacts on CO2 emissions. IEA: Coronavirus impact on CO2 emissions six times larger than 2008 financial crisis.

22/04/2020: COVID-19 resulting in new civil politics of climate change? Climate activists form new tactics and alliances amid coronavirus lockdown.

23/03/2020: Links between COVID-19 and Climate Change. 10 ways coronavirus is changing energy and climate change.

06/01/2020: Urgency in a phrase? What do citizens think of the ‘Climate Emergency’? The 2020s are the Climate Change Decade: Can a sense of emergency be effectively sustained?

08/12/2019: Negotiators still playing their political games at the expense of climate action? Climate change: UN Negotiators ‘playing politics’ amid global crisis.

06/12/2019: The New Civil Politics of Climate Change will not be silenced. Greta Thunberg: ‘They try so desperately to silence us.’

14/11/2019: The beginning of the end for fossil fuels? European Investment Bank drops fossil fuel funding.

05/11/2019: Fracking banned in UK: the new civil politics of climate change in action again! Fracking is finished in the UK – thanks to the power of public protest.

23/10/2019: How the French Government are reacting to the new civil politics of climate change: Emmanuel Macron’s war on climate activism.

23/10/2019: Are the new civil politics of climate change having a political effect? Fracking year’s behind schedule.

23/10/2019: Eight tips to help you manage eco-anxiety.

12/10/2019: Climate change: Big lifestyle changes are the only answer.

7/10/2019: Is mass civil disobedience the only effective way to force political action on climate change?

23/09/2019: Have world leaders failed us on climate change?

20/09/2019: The benefits of investing in low-carbon cities.

11/09/2019: Which UK politicians talk the most about climate change?

10/09/2019: Glasgow to host 2020 United Nations Conference of the Parties.

09/09/2019: UK contribution to social science research on climate change ‘significant’.